Be safe for all of us.
Spread Kindness is an initiative to keep our community healthy and help businesses stay open. It will take a unified effort to limit COVID-19’s spread. We’re calling for compassion, respect and kindness to make it happen.
Stay healthy.
Protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 is simple. Wash your hands often. Avoid close contact. Wear a face mask when around others.
Stay open.
Staying open depends on people staying healthy. If all of us do our part to create safe environments to eat, shop and play we’ll get through this together.
Spread the word.
Speak Kindness with our communication toolkit, share your story online and tag it #KindnessNotCovid or let us know how you’re keeping others safe.
Stay healthy.
Protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 is simple. Wash your hands often. Avoid close contact. Wear a face mask when around others.
Stay open.
Staying open depends on people staying healthy. If all of us do our part to create safe environments to eat, shop and play we’ll get through this together.
Spread the word.
Speak Kindness with our communication toolkit, share your story online and tag it #KindnessNotCovid or let us know how you’re keeping others safe.
Help us spread kindness.
As a business community, we care about the health of our customers and our region. We want and need to do our part to stop the spread of illness. But it’s not easy. As we work to maintain new safety measures, we’ve also been tasked with communicating those changes to customers and employees.
Spread kindness toolkit materials help you:
- Assure customers your business is safe to visit.
- Clearly State the safety measures expected of customers when they visit.
- Join forces with business throughout our county to support recovery that lasts.
Make sure your safety practices adhere to local and state coronavirus guidelines for your industry.
Get the toolkit for your business.
Post these free materials in your place of business, to your website or social media pages to help spread kindness. Download the full toolkit or individual pieces below.
Window sign.
A window sign for your storefront. This sign calls out the healthy measures expected of those who come in. It also highlights your commitment to safety.
Social media graphics.
Share and customize posts for your business’s channels. Some are ready to use as-is. Others can be adapted with your own stories and updates. These will help your audiences stay up to date as you open your doors or make adjustments to service.
One Sheet.
A one sheet for an overview of the Spread Kindness initiative, and ways to get involved.
Kindness not covid-19 pledge.
Display a pledge to Spread Kindness Not COVID-19 in your business and invite customers to do the same.
Tell your story!
Let us know what you are doing to Spread Kindness and keep people safe as you reopen your doors. Our coalition might contact you about opportunities to share your business’s safe-recovery story.
Tell your story!
Let us know what you are doing to Spread Kindness and keep people safe as you reopen your doors. Our coalition might contact you about opportunities to share your business’s safe-recovery story.
Working together for a healthy community.
Spread Kindness is a countywide project with broad support. It was created and is managed by a regional partnership of organizations working to support our county’s recovery, with representation from these and other organizations.
Spokane county covid-19 education and resources:
Access combined resources for businesses. GSI, Downtown Spokane Partnership, Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce, Inland Northwest Business Alliance, Visit Spokane, and West Plains Chamber of Commerce are committed to working together to support our business community.
Share your story. Be safe for all of us.